Watch Erin Shrink
Monday, August 13, 2012
Back in the Saddle Again
So here we are, nearly 2 years out from gastric bypass and I've lost ALL of my weight plus about 10 lbs. It's been an incredible journey, I've had a lot of life changes, but overall I'm a super healthy person with a new lease on life. We lost our foster kiddos last year, but after losing my 100th pound I became pregnant with my now 6 month old son Jaksen. But if you're reading this, you probably know me and know all this.
I have thrown around ideas of what I'd like this blog to become. Before, it was a journal of my journey. I haven't reached the end of my journey as there is still air in my lungs and blood beating through my heart, but it's the end of a chapter. As with a book when you finish a chapter you don't start a new book, you keep going, and I will keep going with this blog. Instead of physically shrinking (hopefully I'm done there - no one needs to be too skinny!) I will mentally shrink myself even without a PhD in psych behind my name. Yeah, that sounds weird. Whatever - it's MY blog! :)
Friday, March 18, 2011
Almost Spring Break
Monday, February 7, 2011
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
That Poor Dear
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Let THEM Eat Cake
It is with great sadness and an equal amount of joy that I note Christmas is behind us. I got through the holiday cheer with little to no issues or temptation of goodies and I was able to see a 4 pound weight loss. My energy levels were up, I enjoyed company, and delighted in my children’s faces as they opened up each gift.
Did gastric bypass hinder my celebrations? NO. I was free from:
-Overindulging thus encouraging a loosening of the belt buckles or changing into sweats. I’ve lost 54 pounds. I need a tighter belt.
-Being embarrassed in pictures. I’m still overweight but don’t care as much because I’m doing something about it.
-Needing to take a nap during special holidays because my weight eats my energy. I ran circles around my very thin brother!
-Spending more money on dinner/dessert when I don’t need it anyway. I just ordered soup and took tiny bites off others’ plates with permission -- most of the time.
-Feeling bad that once again I didn’t lose weight this year.
-Empty fridge from over eating. My fridge is stock full of the leftovers that should have existed in previous years.
Back in October I was a little saddened knowing that I would be having the surgery before Thanksgiving, Christmas, my 30th birthday, and New Years. I knew I would not be able to partake in the extreme feasting that goes on and felt that I would be left out. Obviously I was proved wrong at Thanksgiving as I’d posted before. I was proved wrong once again during Christmas and my birthday (which will be over in 1 hour as I write this blog).
How I Survived Christmas:
On Christmas morning we were joined by my brother and sister-in-law who were visiting from Southern California. My kids loved having them around and it was nice to be around family for the holidays. I made our traditional cinnamon rolls for everyone. They looked and smelled amazing. (Hey, out of a can you can’t go wrong! Unless you burn them…) I had ONE bite and I used one of my baby’s spoons to cut the bite out so you know it was tiny. I ate my regular cottage cheese and drank water while everyone else drank OJ. For dinner I made lasagna using my great-grandmother’s spaghetti sauce recipe. Again, I had ONE bite and stopped. We made a “Happy Birthday Jesus” cake and I didn’t try it. The smell was so sweet that I felt like I’d had 5 slices.
There have been a number of times when I’ve felt like binging as soon as no one was looking, kind of like I used to. Of course the consequences are a bit gross (I’m really getting tired of vomiting) and so that helps the temptation. Part of me didn’t want to make anything I would be interested in but instead I decided to pull it together and do what I really enjoy doing – cooking delicious food for others. It was a great satisfaction to spend 6 hours cooking Grandma’s spaghetti sauce even though I didn’t get to indulge as before because my family enjoyed and appreciated it. I enjoyed baking the birthday cake with my daughter because she enjoyed spending the time with me “helping”.
Gastric bypassers, don’t feel like you have to withhold the goods unless you absolutely cannot resist. Instead, go for it for your family and let THEM eat the cake!
Friday, December 24, 2010
Size Is Just A Number...

Oh My, How You've Changed...